  • Age Exclusive Housing
  • Assisted Living
  • Care Homes
  • Independent Living
  • Over 55s
  • Retirement Housing
  • Sheltered Accommodation
  • Sheltered Housing
  • Supported Housing

Sheltered Housing & Accommodation Bletchley

Bletchley is a town in Milton Keynes, England. It is best known as being the home of the World War II code-breaking centre, Bletchley Park. It is a popular tourist destination and contains a museum, a lake, and a mansion. The National Museum of Computing is also located in Bletchley. Bletchley is an attractive destination for retirees and older adults due to the variety of amenities and activities available. It offers a range of senior housing options, including sheltered housing, retirement villages, and retirement homes. There are also several medical facilities in the area, including several GP surgeries and a hospital. The town also has a range of community events, such as markets, festivals and concerts, which are held throughout the year.

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Bagshot Court, Bletchley

Retirement housing

mapMarkerGrey Clifford Avenue, Bletchley, Mi...

Hinton Lodge, Bletchley

Retirement housing

mapMarkerGrey Whaddon Way, Bletchley, Milton...

Knowles Green 1, Bletchley

Age exclusive housing

mapMarkerGrey Westfield Road, Bletchley, Mil...

Knowles Green 2, Bletchley

Age exclusive housing

mapMarkerGrey Westfield Road, Bletchley, Mil...