  • Age Exclusive Housing
  • Assisted Living
  • Care Homes
  • Independent Living
  • Over 55s
  • Retirement Housing
  • Sheltered Accommodation
  • Sheltered Housing
  • Supported Housing

Sheltered Housing & Accommodation West Haddon

West Haddon is a small village located in the Northamptonshire countryside. It has a long and interesting history and is home to many historic attractions such as the ancient St. Mary's Church, and the Grade II listed Manor House. Over the centuries, the village has also gained a reputation for its locally-sourced produce and its traditional pubs. West Haddon is an ideal destination for retirees and older adults, with a range of amenities including retirement homes, medical services, and community activities. There are several supermarkets and a local post office, as well as a variety of shops and restaurants. Additionally, the village hosts regular events such as concerts and market days, providing plenty of entertainment and social opportunities. With its rural setting and close proximity to Northampton, West Haddon is the perfect place for retirees and older adults to enjoy a relaxed and comfortable lifestyle.

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Riverside Court, West Haddon

Age exclusive housing

mapMarkerGrey 1-6 Crick Road, West Haddon, N...